6.8 KiB
Recon Subdomain & identify JS files
Discover subdomains, identify JavaScript files (with HTTP response status 200), and save the results in separate files
subfinder -d domain.com | httpx -mc 200 | tee subdomains.txt && cat subdomains.txt | waybackurls | httpx -mc 200 | grep .js | tee js.txt
for example you can grep JS file js.txt
cat js.txt | grep -r -E “aws_access_key|aws_secret_key|api key|passwd|pwd|heroku|slack|firebase|swagger|aws_secret_key|aws key|password|ftp password|jdbc|db|sql|secret jet|config|admin|pwd|json|gcp|htaccess|.env|ssh key|.git|access key|secret token|oauth_token|oauth_token_secret”
run a Nuclei command on the js.txt
file with the exposures tag
nuclei -l js.txt -t ~/nuclei-templates/exposures/ -o js_exposures_results.txt
#You can try "automate" this with amass, but it's not very recommended
amass intel -org tesla
amass intel -asn 8911,50313,394161
Reverse DNS
dnsrecon -r <DNS Range> -n <IP_DNS> #DNS reverse of all of the addresses
dnsrecon -d facebook.com -r #Using facebooks dns
dnsrecon -r -n #Using cloudflares dns
dnsrecon -r -n #Using google dns
Reverse Whois (loop)
- https://viewdns.info/reversewhois/
- https://domaineye.com/reverse-whois
- https://www.reversewhois.io/
- https://www.whoxy.com/
There are some pages and tools that let you search by these trackers and more
- https://github.com/dhn/udon
- https://builtwith.com/
- https://www.sitesleuth.io/
- https://publicwww.com/
- http://spyonweb.com/
Did you know that we can find related domains and sub domains to our target by looking for the same favicon icon hash?
Simply said, favihash will allow us to discover domains that have the same favicon icon hash as our target.
cat my_targets.txt | xargs -I %% bash -c 'echo "http://%%/favicon.ico"' > targets.txt
python3 favihash.py -f https://target/favicon.ico -t targets.txt -s
if you know the hash of the favicon of a vulnerable version of a web tech you can search if in shodan and find more vulnerable places
shodan search org:"Target" http.favicon.hash:116323821 --fields ip_str,port --separator " " | awk '{print $1":"$2}'
you can calculate the favicon hash of a web
import mmh3
import requests
import codecs
def fav_hash(url):
response = requests.get(url)
favicon = codecs.encode(response.content,"base64")
fhash = mmh3.hash(favicon)
print(f"{url} : {fhash}")
return fhash
Copyright / Uniq string
Search inside the web pages strings that could be shared across different webs in the same organisation. The copyright string could be a good example. Then search for that string in google, in other browsers or even in shodan: shodan search http.html:"Copyright string"
org:"Tesla, Inc."
ssl:"Tesla Motors"
# Install
go get -u github.com/tomnomnom/assetfinder
# Usage
assetfinder [--subs-only] <domain>
Let's try to get subdomains from the DNS records. We should also try for Zone Transfer (If vulnerable, you should report it).
dnsrecon -a -d tesla.com
# subdomains
bbot -t tesla.com -f subdomain-enum
# subdomains (passive only)
bbot -t tesla.com -f subdomain-enum -rf passive
# subdomains + port scan + web screenshots
bbot -t tesla.com -f subdomain-enum -m naabu gowitness -n my_scan -o .
amass enum [-active] [-ip] -d tesla.com
amass enum -d tesla.com | grep tesla.com # To just list subdomains
# Subfinder, use -silent to only have subdomains in the output
./subfinder-linux-amd64 -d tesla.com [-silent]
assetfinder --subs-only <domain>
# Get Domains from crt free API
curl -s "https://crt.sh/?q=%25.$1" \
| grep -oE "[\.a-zA-Z0-9-]+\.$1" \
| sort -u
crt tesla.com
sed 's/$/.domain.com/' subdomains.txt > bf-subdomains.txt
./massdns -r resolvers.txt -w /tmp/results.txt bf-subdomains.txt
grep -E "tesla.com. [0-9]+ IN A .+" /tmp/results.txt
gobuster dns -d mysite.com -t 50 -w subdomains.txt
shuffledns is a wrapper around massdns, written in go, that allows you to enumerate valid subdomains using active bruteforce, as well as resolve subdomains with wildcard handling and easy input-output support.
shuffledns -d example.com -list example-subdomains.txt -r resolvers.txt
puredns bruteforce all.txt domain.com
Second DNS Brute-Force Round
cat subdomains.txt | dnsgen -
VHosts / Virtual Hosts
Brute Force
ffuf -c -w /path/to/wordlist -u http://victim.com -H "Host: FUZZ.victim.com"
gobuster vhost -u https://mysite.com -t 50 -w subdomains.txt
wfuzz -c -w /usr/share/wordlists/SecLists/Discovery/DNS/subdomains-top1million-20000.txt --hc 400,404,403 -H "Host: FUZZ.example.com" -u http://example.com -t 100
#From https://github.com/allyshka/vhostbrute
vhostbrute.py --url="example.com" --remoteip="" --base="www.example.com" --vhosts="vhosts_full.list"
VHostScan -t example.com
CORS Brute Force
Sometimes you will find pages that only return the header Access-Control-Allow-Origin when a valid domain/subdomain is set in the Origin header. In these scenarios, you can abuse this behaviour to discover new subdomains.
ffuf -w subdomains-top1million-5000.txt -u -H 'Origin: http://FUZZ.crossfit.htb' -mr "Access-Control-Allow-Origin" -ignore-body
With the domains and subdomains inside the scope you basically have all what you need to start searching for emails. These are the APIs and tools that have worked the best for me to find emails of a company:
Credential Leaks
With the domains, subdomains, and emails you can start looking for credentials leaked in the past belonging to those emails: